by Utility Structures Inc. | May 11, 2010 | Concrete Poles, Resources
Now you can view all of our concrete pole information in a handy 20 page brochure. It incorporates all our pole styles, sports lighting, utility poles, bollards and colour & finishes. Please visit the Contacts section, and fill out a request for this...
by Utility Structures Inc. | Aug 13, 2009 | Concrete Poles, Resources
Concrete poles offer the perfect solution for camera / security equipment because of their low vibration and extremely rigid qualities. USI has been producing concrete camera poles for the past 25 years, but in May 2009, we extended that line to include a camera...
by Utility Structures Inc. | May 15, 2009 | Barriers, Resources, Storage Sheds, Utility Products
All the Utility Products, Traffic/Security and Specialty Products are now available in newly updated catalogue. Please visit the contacts section, and fill out the request form for a catalogue to order one. Request a catalogue
by Utility Structures Inc. | Oct 10, 2008 | Resources, Storage Sheds, Utility Products
We completed the final installment of our web site, by adding the Specialty Products section. This section includes concrete storage sheds, cable markers and miscellaneous accessories. Each item has downloadable PDF file & description. The concrete Storage Sheds...
by Utility Structures Inc. | Sep 12, 2008 | Resources, Utility Products
Our extensive line of Utility Products are now available online; each product has a downloadable PDF shop drawing and picture. This line includes – Transformer Foundations, Electrical Manholes, Electrical Handholes, Pole Bases, Electrical Bollards, Grade Adjustment...
by Utility Structures Inc. | Sep 1, 2007 | Resources
USI is pleased to announce the introduction of our re-designed web site. This new site gives you access to all the information contained in our catalogue. Download and print high resolution PDF files of images from our extensive Gallery section and our Colours &...