The most common method and biggest advantage for installing a concrete pole is by direct embedment. The pole is placed into an augured hole lined with gravel then back filled with native soils, stone dust or cement – depending on the soil conditions.
Eliminates the need for a costly anchor pole base footing.
Faster installation, allowing more poles to be installed in less time.
No reliance on weather, form work, or pouring schedules.
The pole and footing are continuous, forming a stronger structure.
No exposed base plates or anchors bolts.
Does not contaminate the soil, unlike direct buried wood poles which contain chemicals treatments.
The surrounding ground (grass, concrete, asphalt, etc.) can be finished right up to the edge of the pole.
Can be placed into the ground without the fear of rust or rot.
Poles are typically set into the ground: 10% of the overall height + 2 feet, except in questionable soil conditions.
Example: Overall pole height: 30 feet, the pole should be buried: 3 feet + 2 feet = 5 feet below grade, and 25 feet above grade.
Note: always consult an engineer and review the soils report.
Auger hole minimum 10 inches larger than the butt diameter of the pole, and an extra 6 inches deeper then the depth requirement.
Example: Overall pole height is: 35 feet and butt diameter is 14 inches, auger the hole Min: 24 inches in diameter and the depth 6 feet.
Depth Calculation: 35 feet X 10% = 3 feet, 6 inches plus 2 feet = 5 feet, 6 inches plus 6 inches for GA base = a total of 6 feet of augured depth.
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