E53-24 Square Pole Base

E53-24 Square Pole Base

We’ve added another square base to our expanding line of pole bases. All our pole bases are engineered and are manufactured in a controlled environment. USI Model # E53-24, can be used as a grade level pole base, or an above grade parking lot base. Dimension...
E59 Decorative Pole Base

E59 Decorative Pole Base

Our E59 Octagonal pole base is manufactured with the same technology as our concrete poles, which is vibraspun. The spinning process makes the concrete very dense and strong. Plus, the hollow raceway gives the installer flexibility for wiring and location. E59 shop...
New Parking Lot Pole Base (E56)

New Parking Lot Pole Base (E56)

We’ve added another precast pole base to our extensive list of bases. We are proud to introduce model# E56, which can be used for any parking lot lighting requirements. It has decorative reveals and a round cross section. It’s also available in all...
NEW Elliptical Pole Base (E54)

NEW Elliptical Pole Base (E54)

In July of this year we’ve added to our ever growing list of prefab precast pole bases, model E54 is unique as it encompasses the following features: elliptical cross section – which allows it to be placed on tight sidewalks, decorative etched top section...